The Environmental Information, Awareness, Capacity Building and Livelihood Programme (EIACP) earlier known as Environmental Information System (ENVIS)came into existence as a plan programme in 1983, funded by Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC).
The EIACP uses a network of decentralized framework endowed with the agenda of integrating countrywide efforts towards environmental conservation and management. It serves as a one-stop platform for dissemination of environmental information, informed policy formulation on various facets of environment and facilitation of alternate livelihoods through green skilling. It involves a recalibrated approach towards charting out a pathway for MoEF&CC to establish the quintessential social connect in order to enhance impact on the ground level.
EIACP is a comprehensive network of environmental information centres located, across the country for environmental information collection, collation, storage, retrieval and dissemination to different users. The EIACP network was expanded gradually with the involvement of thematic subject areas, and the Programme Centre at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi (hereinafter called the “PC-RP”) on assigned subject area on : “Geodiversity and Impact on Environment” hosted by School of Environmental Sciences (SES), JNU.
• Geology & Geomorphology (Delhi NCR and Surroundings)
• Climate (Temperature/Rainfall, Relative Humidity/Wind pattern/Air Quality etc.)
• Hydrogeology (Groundwater, Surfacewater & Geochemistry)
• Topography, Soil and Land Use Pattern (Land Use Land Cover & Change detection)
• Disaster (Indian Himalayan Region, Indo-Gangatic Plain and Various Parts of India)
• Sensitive Area (Protected area, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves etc.)
• Pollution (Air, Water, Noise, soil, and Industrial)
• Flora and Fauna (Endangered, Vulnerable, Rare, Medicinal etc.)
❖ The major activities of JNU EIACP PC-RP on “Geodiversity and Impact on Environment” are:
1. Repository of Environmental Knowledge - To collect information pertaining to thematic areas, maintain and update the subject-specific database, produce value-added information such as educational-kits on various themes; mobile apps, e-Books, environmental videos; research papers/publications, abstract and journals, research in the form of working papers/ reports, case studies, thematic and GIS maps, success stories, etc. The information thus collected would be disseminated act as Digital Resource Centre (DRC).
2. Capacity Building Programs - To conduct capacity building initiatives in environment and thematic areas identified by MoEFC&CC. Also to develop the modules of capacity building courses as per direction of the MoEF&CC.
3. Green Skill Development Programme (GSDP) - To promote, implement. Coordinate and monitor GSDP. To conduct GSDP training/ short term courses from time to time as per requirement and GSDP formulate training modules. For more details on conducted 3 GSDP training courses by JNU EIACP click here.
4. Outreach Programs - To create calendar of activities for major and important environmental days and organize activities, competitions etc. Also to organize mass awareness campaigns including events such as lecture series, workshops, panel discussions etc. on the assigned themes.
5. Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) - Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment) was introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at COP26, in Glasgow, on 1st November, 2021. It aims to nudge individuals and communities to practice a lifestyle that is synchronous with nature and does not harm it. Those who practice such a lifestyle are recognised as Pro Planet People (3P). As a global programme, Mission LiFE envisions three core shifts or phase in our collective approach towards sustainability; 1. Change in Demand. 2. Change in Supply. 3. Change in Policy. In 2022-23, Mission LiFE will focus on Phase I, Change in Demand, by encouraging individuals, communities and institutions to practice simple environment-friendly actions (LiFE actions) in their daily lives.
In line with Mission LiFE, under MoEF&CC, JNU-EIACP Resource Partner is actively promoting the campaign of Mission LiFE along with all 60 centers of EIACP (Environmental Information, Awareness, Capacity building & Livelihood Program) in India. The purpose behind this initiative is to spread awareness among present generation about importance of sustainable lifestyle.
❖ A comprehensive & non-exhaustive list of 75 individual LiFE actions across 7 themes has been identified. 7 themes are:
1 Energy saving
2 Water saving
3 Reduce use of Single use plastic (assigned theme to JNU EIACP)
4 Sustainable Food Systems
5 Waste reduced (Swachhta Action)
6 Adopting healthy lifestyle
7 E-waste handling
JNU EIACP PC-RP already engaged in various activities like Awareness generation & sensitization, green skill, capacity building, outreach programs in the field of Single-use plastic Reduced.
About JNU ENVIS Resource Partner:
Information is a resource, which together with physical, economical, technical and human resource is a must for national development. Sustainable development, which has evolved as the goal for human welfare in recent times, is rooted in the availability of right information to the right person at the right place and at the right time. The need for information arises at all levels, from that of senior decision-makers, at the national and international levels to the grass roots and individual levels. Environmentally sound decisions, which are a must for achieving sustainable development, are not possible in an information vacuum. Environmental information is, therefore, of vital importance. Realizing the importance of environmental information, an Environmental Information System (ENVIS) has been established by the Ministry of Environment and Forests in 1982 to provide information to decision-makers, policy- planners, scientists, etc. all over the country. Dissemination of information to the users is the most vital component in the whole system for providing the users satisfaction. ENVIS is a decentralised network information system consisting of focal point in the Ministry coordinating the activities of a chain of 35 subject specific centres, known as ENVIS resource partners located in various prestigious institutions/organizations all over the country. The purpose of the ENVIS Centre is to cater to the needs of the people who do not have access to highly equipped libraries and network systems.
Keeping in view the proposed information requirements, our ENVIS Resource Partner Centre on ‘Geodiversity & Impact on Environment’ (earlier known as thematic Centre on Biogeochemistry) was started in the year 1994 at School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi with the financial aid from the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Government of India. As directed by Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Govt. of India, changed mandate under revamped ENVIS scheme (Letter No.: F.No.23/26/2017-EI).
The Centre is functioning as a resource partner (RP) in the Environmental Information System (ENVIS) network spread all over the country as ENVIS Hubs and RPs, with the focal point at the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEF&CC), New Delhi. List of ENVIS Hubs and Resource Partners (RPs). In 2017 the new thought was emerged under the auspices of the experts of MoEF&CC to revise and change the theme of ENVIS throughout the country for a sustainable environmental planning. Following changed mandate/themes decided by MoEF&CC for JNU ENVIS centre has been evolved.
Mandates/Themes suggested by MoEF&CC for JNU ENVIS Resource Partner under revamped ENVIS scheme:
• Geology & Geomorphology (Delhi NCR and Surroundings)
• Geology & Geomorphology (Delhi NCR and Surroundings)
• Climate (Temperature/Rainfall, Relative Humidity/Wind pattern/Air Quality etc.)
• Hydrogeology (Groundwater, Surfacewater & Geochemistry)
• Topography, Soil and Land Use Pattern (Land Use Land Cover & Change detection)
• Disaster (Indian Himalayan Region, Indo-Gangatic Plain and Various Parts of India)
• Sensitive Area (Protected area, Sanctuaries, Biosphere Reserves etc.)
• Pollution (Air, Water, Noise, soil, and Industrial)
• Flora and Fauna (Endangered, Vulnerable, Rare, Medicinal etc.)
• To support and promote research, development and innovation in Geodiversity research and impact/indicators on environmental dynamics and to deliver innovative Geo-spatial practices for the thematic areas in support of GRIDSS (Grid based Decision Support System) and ENVIS portal.
• To make social contributions through organized environmental activities and events such as CESVP (Community-driven Environmentally Sustainable Village Programme) to enhance environmental information processing and utilizing capabilities.
• Creation of Research and Geo-spatial Database for Environmental parameters and different themes (with key publications from peer reviewed journals)
• To publish newsletters, monographs, bibliography pertaining to the thematic area i.e, Geodiversity (Geology/Geomorphology, Hydrogeology, Climate, Topography, soil and land use pattern, Eco-Sensitive area, Pollution, Flora and Fauna etc.)
• To publish abstracts presented at Geodiversity and impact on environment related Conferences held at our Centre.
• To promote National and International co-operation and liaison for exchange of environment related information with invited talks, training programmes etc.
JNU - EIACP committee:
• Prof. N. Janardhana Raju, EIACP Coordinator & Dean SES, JNU
• Prof. Kasturi Mukhopadhyay, Co-Coordinator, JNU EIACP RP
• Prof. Dinesh Mohan, EIACP committee Member
• Dr. Ravi Kumar Umrao - Associate Professor, EIACP committee Member
• Dr. Lakshmi Kumar T V - Associate Professor, EIACP committee Member
JNU - EIACP Resource Person:
• Dr. Sangeeta Goyal, Programme Officer
• Mr. Ravent, Information Officer
• Ms. Ravina Bisht, IT/GIS Officer
• Ms. Ruchika, Data Entry Operator
Experts in the EIACP JNU Team:
School of Environmental Sciences JNU is enriched with the expertise of Ecology, Environmental Geology, Environmental Biology, Environmental Chemistry and Environmental Physics. With the expertise of diverse fields and knowledge following faculty members are providing their scientific contribution to give a shape to the theme of EIACP:
1. Professor N. Janardhana Raju, Dean SES
2. Professor Saumitra Mukherjee (RETIRED)
3. Professor Umesh Chandra Kulshrestha
4. Professor Krishan Kumar
5. Professor Kasturi Mukhopadhyay
6. Professor A.P. Dimri
7. Professor Dinesh Mohan
8. Professor Satish Chandra Garkoti
9. Professor N. Janardhana Raju
10. Professor P.K. Joshi
11. Professor Jayant Kumar Tripathi
12. Professor Paulraj Rajamani
13. Professor Sudesh Yadav
14. Professor Usha Mina
15. Professor Shekhar Mallick
16. Professor Dhananjai Pandey
17. Dr. Ilora Ghosh, Associate Professor
18. Dr. Arun Kumar Srivastava, Associate Professor
19. Dr. Ravi Kumar Umrao, Associate Professor
20. Dr. Lakshmi Kumar TV, Associate Professor
21. Dr. Kumar Pranaw, Associate Professor
22. Dr. Susheel Kumar, Associate Professor
23. Dr. Meenakshi Dua, Assistant Professor
24. Dr. Ramovatar Meena, Assistant Professor
25. Dr. Amit Kumar Mishra, Assistant Professor
26. Dr. Ram Pravesh Kumar, Assistant Professor
27. Dr. Ashwani Kumar Tiwari, Assistant Professor
28. Dr. Bikram Sen Sahu, Assistant Professor
The School of Environmental Sciences (SES) was established in the lush green premises of JNU in 1974. SES has Postgraduate and Doctoral degree programmes. The School has diversified yet integrated interests in various research areas of physical, atmospheric, earth, chemical and biological aspects of the environment. Besides working in different interdisciplinary approach to understand the Air, Water Soil and Biological system the School is trying to evolve techniques of Environmental conservation.
School of Environmental Sciences, JNU is pioneer in various aspects of Environmental aspects including Rainwater Harvesting and biodiversity conservation. The work was carried out in the University as well as replicated in other parts of Delhi also. These areas are in difficult terrain of Delhi where the use of Geospatial data, geological, geophysical, botanical, soil diversity parameters were monitored. In this tectonically and anthropologically active terrain the groundwater and surface water quality are deteriorating.
The new paradigm has been evolved to monitor and improve the water resources in the pilot project & one of the important mandates of ENVIS in three villages namely Ghoga, Singhola and Dhirpur (North Delhi/NCR), has been adopted by the Union Minister of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Dr. Harsh Vardhan Singh, a Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) from NCT of Delhi under CESVP programme (Community-driven Sustainable Village Programme) launched by MoEF&CC into process of achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).